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Fresh Start Relief Solutions

Couples Credit Repair

Couples Credit Repair

Regular price $997.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $997.00 USD
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**For Couples:**

Rebuild your financial future together with our specialized credit repair plans for couples. We offer 6 and 12-month options that provide the same thorough disputing solutions as our individual plans. Our couples’ plans not only work to remove negative items from both partners' credit reports but also foster financial harmony by addressing your unique credit challenges together. Whether you're tackling late payments, closed accounts, or more complex issues like bankruptcies and student loans, our services are designed to help you both achieve a fresh start.

What program should I buy?

6 months- if you have 1- 10 negative accounts ⭐️


This is for people who just need a small clean up! All accounts are under $4k that need to be disputed. NO repo/auto charge off, eviction/ apartment charge off, bankruptcies,  foreclosures, child support.

12months - if you have 11 or more negative accounts or if you have a repo/auto charge off, eviction/ apartment charge off, bankruptcies, foreclosures, child support.

While by law we cant guarantee any results, we do have a 90 day money back guarantee were we will give you all of your money back (minus the onboarding fees) if you do not get results.


*Please note, YOU MUST PURCHASE CREDIT MONITORING PER THE GUIDELINES TO RECEIVE CREDIT REPAIR. At the completion of your purchase, I will reach out to you to complete your onboarding. It is very pertinent that you closely monitor your email for communications regarding your next steps.

I will reach out to you to complete your onboarding. It is very pertinent that you closely monitor your email for communications regarding your next steps.

Please remember an account can be modified, updated, or deleted per FCRA standards. WE DO NOT GUARENTEE RESULTS NOR DO WE CONTROL THE BUREAUS. RESULTS MAY VARY FROM PERSON TO PERSON. 

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